

This is me
Some images are links! (like this one for my Github)
Here is my resume

I am a developer of both websites and games, as well as a published researcher in Computer Science. I am always looking for new opportunities for freelance work or collaborative projects. Looking forward to hearing from you!

I make websites...
And do research!

My primary tools are Javscript (ReactJS and NodeJS) for websites and Unity with C# for games and AR experiences. I am also comfortable with C++ and Python.

Hiroshima Art Center homepage made with Gatsby
A simple notes and todo app made with NextJS, NodeJS, and MySQL
Tsushima Art Fantasia 2021 Exhibition Site
My github.io website playground

The currently hosted websites that I was commissioned to develop, or made as a personal project.

TetromiVIBES (with C# in Unity)
Conway's Game of Life made with Javascript
Check out my itch.io!
I made an AR installation for the Kyoto Art Center...
And also for Art Gallery Miyauchi in Hiroshima

Check out some of my games and game related projects!

Generating Gray codes for weak orders in constant amortized time
Greedy Universal Cycle Constructions for Weak Orders
DBLP online bibliography

Here are my two published papers. My research work is focused on the fields of Combinatorics and Algorithms in Computer Science.

Click to email me!

Feel free to get in touch with me on any of these platforms, or email me at: marsdenjacques@gmail.com!